Is Monogoto an MVNO?


Is Monogoto an MVNO?

mobile virtual network operator - a carrier that does not have their own wireless network but borrows the signal, coverage and network of a larger carrier.

If so, how does an MVNO check if a device is certified to be used with the wireless network (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile)?
If the MVNO does not check, how does the wireless network then know if the device is certified to be used with their network?


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In a nutshell,

Monogoto has it own sim cards, and it’s own core.

When a device with Monogoto’s SIM card tries to access a network, the operator of the network sends a query to Monogoto’s core asking if this SIM ia allowed to be served by the network.
If Monogoto approves it, the SIM will have access to the network.

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Guys, concerning device certification, I want to share a few points.

1 As Yaniv mentioned, monogoto is not asking for the device to be a certificate
2 We have a full audit that can help us and our customers find and fix devices that do not well behave (too many registration / Authentication etc.)
3 Customers do need to make sure that the transmission level of the device is within regulation, but in most cases, with a standard modem, this is not an issue.

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a valid device and SIM,…ok, thank-you.

There’s also a writeup about this question: What’s an MVNO and how it is different from MNO?

“a full OTT MVNO for developers”